(510) 872-3558

Welcome to Sun's Free, your premier solar energy company serving the San Francisco Bay Area.
With a strong focus on sustainability and innovation, Sun's Free specializes in installing and maintaining cutting-edge solar panel systems and electric vehicle (EV) charging solutions.
By choosing Sun's Free, you are not only making a smart financial investment but also taking a significant step towards a greener future. Together, let's harness the power of the sun and drive towards a cleaner, more sustainable San Francisco Bay Area.

For All Major Home Appliances

What our customers are saying

Matt Hardcastle
After my wife did the math we ended up with a $400 rebate for our 2014 electric bill, thanks to our solar panels from Sun's Free!

Elan Chertock
With Sun’s Free, I own the solar equipment as opposed to renting it. They set me up with great financing, and the crew was very professional.

Kate McCaffrey
Thank you Kevin!
The panels are beautiful!
Next up is the plug in car!
Thank you for all your hard work!!
Quiet and Quick
An electric car is very quiet and very smooth. It makes most regular cars seem clunky and outdated. Step on the accelerator and power is delivered immediately to the wheels, providing an exhilarating driving experience.
Home Recharging
Imagine never going to a gas station again. All you have to do is pull into your garage or driveway, reach over for a plug, and push it into the charging inlet. It’s very convenient and takes all of about 15 seconds. Wake up the next morning, and you have a car ready to go another 80 to 100 miles—or longer, depending on the model.
Cheaper to Operate
Given the considerable efficiency of electric cars compared to internal combustion models, the cost per mile to fuel an EV is approximately one-third to one-quarter the cost of gasoline (on a cost per mile basis). And because electric cars don’t have exhaust systems and don’t need oil changes, maintenance costs are reduced.
No Tailpipe Emissions
Nearly all credible researchers believe that electric cars, even in coal-dependent regions, have a smaller environmental impact than conventional vehicles. In regions with a strong grid mix of renewables—such as hydro, wind and solar—or for electric car drivers with home solar, the emissions benefits are dramatic.